Wednesday, April 8, 2015

He lives!

Another amazing week in INDO! President Donald has started this thing in our mission called "Master Teacher" where we have to memorize all the lessons 1-5, memorize scriptures for each point and commitments to be given and then recite them word for word (like missionaries used to do) to our leaders to get passed off and then do that 5 times to become a master teacher. It is to help us just focus on the basics and before better teachers of the gospel. I was working on that this week and studying the same things I had been teaching my whole mission, but something struck me and has impacted my mission this week and that is LOVE. Every lesson, every thing we teach is centered on the love that our Heavenly Father has for us. One of the most well-known scriptures in Christianity is John 3:16.."For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." God Loves us so He sent His Son, He loves us so He has given us families, and he loves us so He has restored His church on the Earth and called a living prophet to lead and guide us. We have been working with a husband and wife, Edy and Sulis, for about a month now and have tried to strengthen and comfort them as they have been going through a big trial in their life. Their 16 year old daughter, Marta, ran away from home and has not returned for 2 months. We have been praying with them that she would return home and testified to them that this gospel would bless and strengthen their family. Marta came home this week and we got to meet with her and talk a lot with her. She had gotten many tattoos and didn't look too good, but as we sat and talked with her I seriously just felt this overwhelming love for her. I thought about the love that her parents have for her and how much more love her Heavenly Father has for her. I could just see this light about her and see how much potential she has, and had an even greater desire to help her see what is going to bring her REAL happiness, the gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't know if that family will get baptized, I hope they do, but what I do know is that Heavenly Father loves us. He knows us and His plan is a plan of happiness. There will be trials, struggles, weaknesses, sorrow, but ultimately, if we follow His plan, follow His son Jesus Christ, we will find Happiness. I am so happy and so grateful for my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ and for this great plan of happiness!! I love you!!
Sister Reilly

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