Sunday, March 1, 2015

Aku pun ingin tau!

Man, this work is legit. We get to see first hand the Lord work miracles in the lives of families and individuals everyday..there is nothing better! Ibu Elizabeth and her two boys are doing great! Elizabeth has been sticking to her plan in stopping smoking, she has dramatically decreased the amount she smokes, and is on the path to baptism on the 22nd of March. We are working with an amazing family, a mother and 4 girls who have committed to be baptized on the 15th. They love church and we love them! They are my 4 little sisters! Valari, Georgi, Delofa, and Visti! The mothers name is Ribka. They are amazing and love the ward and church. Ibu Ribka needs to completely stop drinking coffee this week, which is really hard for her...please pray for them!! Laura's family is doing amazing. It is so cool to see what a change has take place in their home since the father, Pak Donald has returned home and embraced the gospel. He comes to 3 hours of church each week and you can just feel a new light in their home! Laura has given the missionaries in Manado the addresses and numbers for her family members there and she is even sending books of mormon to her family members who live on islands without missionaries. She has caught the fire of missionary work! The gospel is the answer. It is light, it is happiness, it is the driving force to all that is good. It is the only way we can truly be happy in this life and live eternally with our Father in Heaven, His son Jesus Christ, and our families for eternity. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know this is Christ's Church and His gospel that has been restored in these latter days. It has brought light and happiness into my life and into the lives of people around the world! Share it! 
Love you!!
Sister Reilly

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