Monday, September 1, 2014


I AM SO GRATEFUL TO BE A MISSIONARY! I want to share a simple experience from this week. We were proselyting and met Pak Juhan. He is a father of 5 and they are a Christian family. He told us that nobody else was home yet and that we could come back when his family was there, but before we left he said, will you pray for me please? We said we would say a prayer with him right there, and we did. Anyways, the next day we were super busy and had a lot of appointments, but I just kept getting this prompting that we should go back to that family that night, so we moved our schedule around and went there. WOW. We had given the father a restoration pamphlet and the whole family had read it. The first thing the father asked is for us to explain more about Joseph Smith and how he could get a Book of Mormon. We taught about the restoration and they were all just focused in on every word we said. The Spirit was so strong and we both just felt this overwhelming love for this family. I could just see the light in their faces. After we left Sister Chapman asked me...does our love for these people just continue to grow the longer we are here? I said YES! The longer I have been here, the more I love every person we meet on the street, teach, and even pass by. I can see the light in them and the potential they have as a son or daughter of our Heavenly Father. They are my brothers and my sisters. I love them and I love every day, every second I get to serve my Heavenly Fathers children. THIS is what life is about, I feel a light in my life that I have never felt so strong before and I see that light grow in others as they come to love this gospel and embrace the atonement of Jesus Christ more fully in their lives. The gospel is LIGHT. 

the house and our awesome neighbors

my comp, borobudor, and this awesome family we've been teaching!

I love you!

Sister Reilly

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